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Status epilepticus is defined as generalised convulsions lasting 30 minutes or longer, which are either continuous, or where there is failure regain consciousness between seizures. The longer the time taken to gain control of seizures the worse the neurological outcome for the child and the harder it is to terminate the seizures. The outcome is further influenced by the underlying aetiology. Treatment of status epilepticus consists of four stages - pre-hospital treatment, emergency department, in-hospital treatment (ward or high care) and anaesthesia (ICU). There are numerous protocols available world-wide. Most are based on the available facilities and the anecdotal preferences of the units involved. Beyond the first level of intervention there are no large evidence based guidelines which identify the optimal intervention. Newer agents are increasingly being used, but studies to assess the true efficacy of these are not available. Further, protocols differ between resource poor countries compared to equipped countries where the capacity to provide intensive care support and expensive medical interventions is limited. There are two targets in the management of status epilepticus namely the rapid identification of the underlying aetiology as this affects treatment and prognosis and the early initiation towards terminating status epilepticus which decreases morbidity and mortality.


seizures status epilepticus

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Author Biography

Jo M Wilmshurst, Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital & University of Cape Town

Head of Paediatric Neurology
Dept of Paediatric Neurology
How to Cite
Wilmshurst, J. M. (2015). Management of Children with Status Epilepticus. Journal of the International Child Neurology Association, 1(1).
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  42. Cite this article as: Wilmshurst JM.: Management of Children with Status Epilepticus. JICNA 2015 15:104. DOI: