JICNAR○| Journal of the International
Child Neurology Association
A peer reviewed open access e-journal in Child Neurology
Expected future developments in child neurology
Ingrid Tein
1Division of Neurology, Dept. of Pediatrics and2Genetic and Genome Biology Program,The Research
Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children,and3Dept. of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, The
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada M5G 1X8
Corresponding author:Ingrid Tein, The University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada M5G 1X8; Email:
ingtein@sympatico.ca; Tel: +1-416-813-5668.
Received: 18 Feb 2018
Accepted: 21 July 2019
Published 18 Nov 2019
We stand on the shoulders of giants on the threshold of many new exciting developments in the field of child neurol-
ogy due to innovations in clinical approach, diagnostic technologies and treatment strategies. There are many exciting
new technologies, but we must never forget the power of clinical medicine which allows us to interpret and use these
tools with precision and with clinical wisdom. Strong collaborations continue to be needed: between clinicians for the
meticulous clinical phenotyping, expansion of the range of phenotypic expression, and the entry of patients into interna-
tional RCTs (randomised controlled trials); between the biochemists for the biochemical phenotyping and understanding
of the basic pathophysiology of the underlying dysregulations and disease mechanisms arising from the protein dysfunc-
tions and the development of robust biomarkers, to evaluate disease severity and response to therapies; and between the
geneticists for the understanding of the impact of the exonic or intronic mutations, roles of other regulatory genes on
the affected pathway, and epigenetic factors. These collaborations in the aggregate will lead the field forward in terms
of increased insight into disease pathophysiology for the development of targeted precision medicine treatment strate-
gies and effective preventative measures. This review is meant to highlight certain selected areas of future development
and is not meant to be a comprehensive survey beyond the scope of this review. The subspecialty areas which will be
highlighted will include intellectual disability, epilepsy, neuroprotection, neonatal and fetal neurology, CNS infections,
headache, autoimmune/inflammatory disorders, demyelinating disorders, stroke, movement disorders, neurotransmitter
defects, neuromuscular diseases, neurometabolic disorders, neurogenetic diseases, neuropsychiatry/autism, and neuroon-
cology. In each subspecialty area, I will endeavor to identify emerging diseases, new specific diagnostic technologies and
novel therapeutic approaches, but will need to be selective. This review is the culmination of a literature survey for current
developments, discussions with leaders in each of the subspecialty fields, who I will acknowledge at the end, and certain
personal projections.
Keywords: child neurology; precision medicine; whole exome sequencing; randomised controlled trials
© 2019 Tein I; licensee JICNA. All rights reserved
tain significance (VUS) be identified, the need then arises to
General approach: The way forward
determine whether these same variants are carried by the
parents of a given child and whether they are symptomatic,
As we open Pandora’s box in all fields of medicine, we are
particularly in the case of autosomal dominant genes. In the
faced with a ‘tsunami ‘ of genetic information arising from
case of autosomal recessive disorders in which two VUS’s
the powerful new genetic technologies of whole exome ( 1%
are identified in a target gene in any given child, it becomes
of the genome) and whole genome sequencing. In the case
critical to determine whether the VUS’s are in cis or in trans,
of the identification of known pathogenic variants in the in-
to decide whether they may predispose to a given pheno-
terrogation of genes targeted for a given clinical phenotype,
type. This may be further complicated, as in the case of
the interpretation of the results will be relatively straight-
the common nuclear mitochondrial gene POLG (polymerase
forward. Should previously unidentified variants of uncer-
TEIN I. JICNA 2019;1(1)
gamma) which may account for up to 25% of mitochondrial
block/dysfunction, modify ‘loss of function’ or ‘gain of func-
disorders, in that any given child may have both dominant
tion’ mutations, reduce secondary downstream effects, em-
and recessive variants, which in the aggregate lead to a mi-
ploy the use of small molecule chaperone therapies to refold
tochondrial phenotype (Chinnery and Zeviani, 2008). The
misfolded proteins, etc.
analysis of whether the VUS’s are pathogenic if previously
With this explosion of new genetic information, the role
not identified as pathogenic in an affected individual, would
of the skilled clinician in identifying and defining the range
require biochemical or proteomic evaluation, either in vitro
of the clinical phenotypes, as well as the role of the bio-
in human cells or in vivo in an animal model, to confirm
chemist in ascertaining the effect of the mutation on protein
pathogenicity. There are also several bioinformatics compu-
structure and function, will therefore become even more im-
tational programs, such as SIFT (Ng and Henikoff, 2001),
portant in order to interpret the significance of the results of
Polyphen-2 (Adzhubei et al., 2010) and Mutation taster
WES and WGS. International collaborations and databases
(e.g. Leiden Open Variation Database 3.0, etc.) to com-
pathogenicity of the variation, based upon the significance
bine clinical, biochemical, proteomic and genetic informa-
of the nucleotide change. For example, whether it changes
tion, and to define genotype-phenotype correlations, will
an amino acid residue and if so, whether the change is sig-
become essential to move all fields of medicine forward.
nificant (e.g. causing a change in charge, polarity, bending
New genetic technologies will routinely involve computa-
of the secondary structure of the protein, etc.) and does it
tional biology, epigenetic studies, genome-wide association
occur in a residue that is highly conserved throughout the
studies (GWAS), DNA microarray technology and whole ex-
species? Additional challenges to interpretation may arise
ome sequencing.
from conditions in which a pathogenic variant in an auto-
Computational biology includes areas of molecular cell bi-
somal recessive condition may lead to a clinical phenotype
ology with the application of mathematical theory to char-
when combined with a disease susceptibility polymorphism,
acterise the principles underlying biology at cellular, molec-
such as in short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCAD) de-
ular and genetic levels to advance discovery, and includes
ficiency (Zolkipli et al., 2011). With whole exome sequenc-
foundations in computer science, applied mathematics, bio-
ing (WES), the cDNAs encoding the expressed proteins is
statistics, biochemistry, chemistry, biophysics, molecular bi-
elucidated, which covers
1% of the genome. It is only
ology and genetics.
with whole genome sequencing (WGS) that intronic muta-
Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene activity that do
tions, which may for example affect the splicing of a protein,
not involve alterations to the genetic code, but are inherited
that the entire gene can be interrogated. Thus there may
and are governed by the cellular material, the epigenome,
be eloquent exonic as well as intronic mutations in a given
that overlies the genome, e.g. DNA methylation and his-
gene, contributing to the clinical phenotype. The resulting
tone modification, both of which serve to upregulate gene
phenotypes may be further complicated by the presence of
expression without altering the underlying DNA sequence.
promoter regions of the gene and epigenetic modifiers that
The various techniques to identify epigenetic modifications
lower the threshold for disease expression. To further com-
to DNA may include mapping locus-specific differences in
plicate the picture, disease phenotypes may also arise from
DNA modification, using enzymes that recognise the same
multiple partial defects in one or more metabolic pathways,
target sequence in DNA but are either sensitive or insen-
leading to the phenomenon of synergistic heterozygosity
sitive to its modification, exposing DNA to bisulphites and
(Vockley et al, 2000). These patients show clinical symp-
then sequencing, to allow methylated sites to be identified,
toms consistent with a defect in the affected pathway even
and using chemical approaches or antibodies, targeted to
though they do not have a complete deficiency in any one
specific modifications.
given enzyme.
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) will enable re-
In the case of the identification of new genes of which
searchers to identify genes involved in human illnesses and
the function is not clearly known, the interpretation of the
search the genome for small variations, called single nu-
results becomes even more challenging, particularly if the
cleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that occur more frequently
protein product is not known. This may then require site-
in individuals with a particular illness than those without
directed mutagenesis or CRISPR/Cas9 genome-editing tech-
the illness. Once identified, this ideally allows clinicians to
nology, and in vivo animal models and in vitro human cell
develop better strategies to detect, treat and prevent the dis-
cultures, to ascertain clinical and biochemical phenotype(s)
ease, e.g. in complex diseases, such as neuropsychiatric dis-
arising respectively. In most cases, the most severe pheno-
eases and cancer.
types for a given gene disorder are elucidated first. Over
DNA microarray technology allows the measurement of
time, as more variants and/or mild disease-causing muta-
the expression levels of large numbers of genes simultane-
tions are identified, there is often an expansion of the clin-
ously, to detect SNPs or to genotype multiple regions of a
ical phenotype from mild to severe. Using these technolo-
genome. Since an array can contain tens of thousands of
gies, pathways can be interrogated to understand the patho-
probes, a microarray experiment can accomplish many ge-
physiologic mechanisms of specific mutations, which will
netic tests simultaneously and accelerate investigations, es-
provide the basis for the development of targeted therapeu-
pecially in complex illnesses, such as neuropsychiatric dis-
tic strategies, e.g. to push through or bypass a biochemical
TEIN I. JICNA 2019;1(1)
Whole exome sequencing (WES) selectively sequences
ability and also other subspecialties of child neurology may
the coding regions of the genome, the regions in genes that
include pharmacoimaging, high-resolution in vivo spec-
are translated into proteins. In the human genome there
troscopy, and metabolomics for individual metabolic pro-
are about 180,000 exons which represent 1% of the entire
genome. It is estimated that most disease-causing mutations
(a) Pharmacoimaging is the union between imaging and
are found in the regions of the genome that encode proteins.
pharmacology that provides additional information that
could not otherwise be obtained using traditional tech-
niques. It allows for a more precise, faster and direct
translation of data from a preclinical to a clinical context.
Precision Medicine
Evidence has now been accumulated, pointing to the po-
Precision medicine will be the next major paradigm shift
tential role of imaging in mitigating risk and cost during
in medicine. In the past we had symptom-based data
drug development. This is done by validating targets, ob-
with clinical intuition, which today has become pattern and
taining early indicators of bioactivity, assessing pharma-
evidence-based medicine. Our next move will be toward
cokinetic profiles, confirming mechanism(s) of action, pro-
consensus algorithmic approaches and reference databases,
viding prognostic indicators and supporting regulatory fil-
and we will use personal genetic information and biochem-
ings. Molecular imaging, using a variety of targeted probes
ical/biophysical profiling to design targeted therapies for
such as quantum dots, and instrumentation such as opti-
specific mutations. These may be gain or loss of func-
cal magnetic resonance (MR) and positron emitting tomog-
tion and will dictate precision medicine for the treatment
raphy (PET) methods, provides insights into target valida-
and prevention of specific diseases. There will be personal
tion and disease mechanism issues that are critical in pre-
molecular fingerprinting and molecular imaging which will
clinical studies. It is hoped that greater use of imaging dur-
be interpreted in the context of big data analytics and ref-
ing pre-clinical stages will facilitate more effective transla-
erence databases. Mobile information communication tech-
tion from animal models to human subjects, by minimising
nologies will be used to provide a precision medicine ap-
changes in experimental paradigms while the model organ-
proach targeted at disease prevention, diagnosis and treat-
ism is changed. In addition, imaging can frequently provide
critical supportive data for regulatory approval. Pharma-
Intellectual Disability
coimaging may also be useful for optimising combination
New diseases
treatments of novel compounds or compounds already in
We will be looking at the further expansion of new cat-
clinical trials.
egories of diseases, such as:
(a) disorders of complex
(b) High-resolution in vivo spectroscopy in the brain us-
lipid synthesis and remodeling, of which there are now
1H-MRS (proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy)
at least
100 subtypes, including pathways for phospho-
may be useful for screening for specific disorders and
lipid and sphingolipid synthesis; (b) disorders of subcellu-
also for evaluating the effect of treatments by measur-
lar transport and trafficking, such as the class III phospho-
ing specific biomarkers, e.g. elevated N-acetyl-L-aspartate
inositide 3 kinase (PI3K), which synthesises phosphoinosi-
(NAA) in Canavan’s disease, elevated lactate peaks in mi-
tide 3 phosphatase (PI3P), regulating endosome-lysosome
tochondrial disorders, decreased creatine peaks in the cre-
trafficking and the induction of autophagy, pathways in-
atine deficiency disorders (creatine transporter defect, argi-
volved in pathogen killing, antigen processing and immune
nine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) and guanidinoac-
cell survival (Hawkins and Stephens, 2015). Phosphoinosi-
etate methyltransferase
(GAMT) deficiencies), increased
tides (PIs) are a group of key signaling and structural lipid
guanidinoacetate (GAA) peaks in GAMT deficiency and de-
molecules involved in a myriad of cellular processes. PI
creased choline peaks in disorders of myelin. These MRS
phosphatases, together with PI kinases, are responsible for
profiles may undergo further resolution and expansion in
the conversion of PIs between distinctive phosphorylation
the future.
states (Hsu and Mao, 2015), and (c) disorders of the cellu-
(c) Metabolomics is the systematic study of the unique
lar cytoskeleton, such as the ‘tubulin code’ disorders which
chemical fingerprints that specific cellular processes leave
have the potential to modulate microtubule structure, dy-
behind, namely the study of their small-molecule metabo-
namics and interactions with associated proteins in neurons,
lite profiles. The metabolome represents the collection of all
and which have become increasingly important in both neu-
metabolites in biological cells, tissues, organs or organisms,
rodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders, such as
which are the end products of cellular processes. Metabolic
lissencephaly (Chakraborti et al., 2016). The tubulin code
profiling can give an instantaneous snapshot of the physi-
is believed to regulate microtubule functions on a cellular
ology of that cell. One of the challenges of systems biol-
and subcellular level. Current advances in knowledge of
ogy and functional genomics is to integrate proteomic, tran-
the tubulin code on the molecular and functional level will
scriptomic, and metabolomic information to provide a bet-
increase understanding of the process of complex signaling
ter understanding of cellular biology. Metabolomics, partic-
events in controlling microtubule function, particularly in
ularly in small molecule diseases such as the use of tandem
the central nervous system.
mass spectrometry (MS/MS) in fatty acid oxidation disor-
ders allows a snapshot of the physiology of the cell in a given
Novel Diagnostics Novel diagnostics in intellectual dis-
TEIN I. JICNA 2019;1(1)
disease (e.g. used in newborn screening) and can be used to
The epileptic encephalopathies include many
monitor the impact of therapies. The Human Metabolome
age-related electroclinical syndromes with specific seizure
Database (HMDB 4.0) for 2018, using in silico approaches,
types and EEG features. There may be evolution from
along with more traditional manual curation, has expanded
one age-related epilepsy syndrome to another, e.g. Ohta-
to 114,000 metabolites (Wishart et al., 2018).
hara syndrome (early infantile epileptic encephalopathy)
Novel Therapies In intellectual disability, as well as in
beginning in the first two months of life, evolving into
all other subspecialties of child neurology, novel therapies
infantile spasms and later into Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
may include (a) cell-based and gene-based therapies, (b)
The number of known monogenic
small molecule chaperone therapies for misfolded proteins,
determinants underlying the epileptic encephalopathies
e.g. in lysosomal storage disorders, and (c) stop codon
is growing rapidly with the identification of molecular
readthrough therapies for missense and nonsense muta-
mutations. De-novo dominant mutations are frequently
tions (Keeling et al., 2014). Nonsense suppression ther-
identified, along with somatic mosaicism and recessive
apy encompasses approaches aimed at suppressing transla-
disorders. Mosaicism in both the somatic and germline cells
tion termination at in-frame premature termination codons
is becoming increasingly important in order to understand
(PTCs), also known as nonsense mutations, to restore defi-
pathophysiology, particularly in patients in whom exome
cient protein function. The approaches include readthrough
and gene panel sequencing is negative. Whole genome
drugs, suppressor tRNAs, PTC pseudouridylation, and in-
sequencing may be needed to identify intronic mutations
hibition of nonsense-mediated mRNA (messenger ribonu-
and regulatory components of the genome. Furthermore,
cleic acids) decay. A further therapy, (d) antisense oligonu-
epigenetic regulation
(including methylome) may also
cleotide (AON) therapy, corrects splicing defects through
need investigation and may help to explain phenotypic
exon skipping (e.g. Duchenne dystrophy) (Aartsma-Rus et
pleiotropy. One gene might be associated with phenotypic
al., 2007; van Roon-Mom and Aartsma-Rus, 2012). AONs
pleiotropy and conversely, several genes can cause one
are short synthetic modified nucleic acids that bind RNA
electroclinical syndrome. As more genes are identified, spe-
through base-pairing, and enable modulation of its expres-
cific genetic epileptic encephalopathies are being identified
sion (Southwell et al., 2012; Siva et al., 2014). The design
with distinctive electroclinical features and comorbidities,
of AONs that can bind to splice sites or to exonic- or intronic-
allowing classification of disorders in patients which was
enhancing cis-regulatory sequences in the pre-mRNA (ex-
not previously possible (Thomas et al., 2015; Howell et al.,
onic splice enhancers (ESEs) or intronic splice enhancers
(ISEs)) leads to the masking of these regions and the in-
Diverse genetic causes and molecular pathways have been
ability of trans-splicing regulatory factors to bind effectively,
implicated, which may involve ion channels and proteins
thus inducing switching between alternative splice isoforms
needed for synaptic, regulatory and developmental func-
via exon skipping. In the same way, by the masking of cryp-
tions. Gene discovery provides the basis for neurobiological
tic splice sites, AONs have been used for the correction of
insights, often showing convergence of mechanistic path-
cryptic splicing. With their diverse functionality, high target
ways (McTague et al., 2015). These findings will underpin
specificity, and the relative ease of central nervous system
the development of targeted therapies, essential to improve
(CNS) delivery, they are uniquely positioned as potential
the outcome of these severe neurological disorders. In the
therapies for neurological diseases.
future, models of network dysfunction in a given individual
will require the development of sophisticated in silico
models in addition to in vitro models from patient-derived
stem cells, in order to understand the pathomechanisms
of dysfunction (McTague et al., 2015). In the case of early
onset epileptic encephalopathies (e.g. serine deficiency due
New Diseases In the future, epileptic encephalopathies will
to 3-phospoglycerate dehydrogenase deficiency) (de Koning
be thought of as ‘developmental’ epileptic encephalopathies
et al., 2004), effective therapy may require prenatal admin-
in order to encapsulate the developmental aspects of the
istration to reduce the effects of these devastating disorders.
child in addition to the epileptic component. The epilepsies
will be classified according to the genetic mutations,
e.g. STXBP1 encephalopathy, which may present with an
Further expansion of knowledge In the future, there
early infantile epileptic encephalopathy, characterised by
will be a further expansion of the knowledge related to the
infantile spasms or myoclonic, atonic or absence seizures
neurobiology of severe epilepsies. The disease mechanisms
due to syntaxin-binding protein 1 mutations. There will
may include synaptic dysfunction, channelopathies, trans-
also be an increased understanding of immune-mediated
porter defects, dysregulation of transcription, impaired re-
epilepsies, e.g. anti-GAD (glutamic acid decarboxylase)
pair of DNA and the remodeling of chromatin as well as
65 antibody-mediated epilepsy. Epileptic encephalopathies
metabolic disorders (McTague et al., 2015). Bioinformatic
of infancy and childhood comprise a large, heterogeneous
approaches with computer modeling and in vitro and in vivo
group of severe epilepsies characterised by several seizure
models of epilepsy will be used to identify links between dif-
types, frequent epileptiform activity on EEG, and often
ferent disease mechanisms, which may show convergence of
developmental slowing or regression
(McTague et al.,
disease pathways (Noebels 2015; Oliver et al., 2014). Pat-
TEIN I. JICNA 2019;1(1)
terns of spatial expression, including certain cell types, brain
terference - to specifically target mutated rather than wild-
regions or networks may also be important in epileptic en-
type alleles, e.g. in KCNQ2 encephalopathy (Matsa et al.,
cephalopathies, e.g. abnormalities of interneuron develop-
ment, migration or function, are associated with the ARX
Novel Diagnostics It must be kept in mind that each gene
and SCN1A genes (Yu et al., 2006; Kitamura et al., 2002).
may show phenotypic pleiotropy and that each epilepsy syn-
In addition, the temporal expression of genes may predict
drome may show genetic heterogeneity (McTague et al.,
the timing of the onset of the epilepsy, e.g. KCNQ2 and
2015). The phenotypic heterogeneity may arise from the
GRIN2A-related epilepsies will typically present around the
type and timing of the mutations during development, the
age when gene expression is needed for the normal physio-
timing and location of the gene expression, epigenetic fac-
logical development of neurons (Carvill et al., 2013; Lesca
tors as well as modifier genes. In the future, there will be
et al., 2013; Weckhuysen et al., 2012). Furthermore, ge-
an expansion of non-invasive evaluation of structural fo-
netic causes of severe epilepsy may also affect neuronal
cal epilepsies for seizure surgery using a combination of
function through mechanisms different from the seizure dis-
technologies, e.g. cEEG, MEG, PET, etc. Genetic technolo-
order, such as abnormal neuronal migration or abnormal
gies such as WES will amplify the genetic heterogeneity for
network formation, which may lead to abnormal cognitive
the given mutation. Currently there are > 22,000 variants
development (Bender et al., 2013). Novel Therapeutics (a)
now identified which will be incorporated into expanded
Pharmacologic approaches that directly target the abnormal
epilepsy gene panels. One gene may be associated with phe-
protein or disrupted pathways: (i) Mutations in the sodium-
notypic pleiotropy and there will be a need for functional
gated potassium channel gene KCNT1 may present with
validation of mutation pathogenicity. Techniques such as
epilepsy of infancy with migrating focal seizures (EIMFS)
single cell sequencing will provide insight into somatic mo-
with five times the gain of function over the wild type, which
saicism. WGS has 5 million estimated variants, allowing
begins in early infancy (< six months of age), or with auto-
for the identification of novel mutations or novel genes in
somal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (ADNFLE)
a large group of unsolved epilepsies covering the remain-
with three times the gain of function, which begins much
ing 99% of the genome and including intronic splice sites,
later in mid-childhood. The phenotypes can be reversed
regulatory regions, etc.
(McTague et al., 2015). Modeling
with quinidine which crosses the blood-brain barrier and re-
of epilepsy, using patient-derived stem cells or animal mod-
versibly blocks the channel in humans and rodents (Milligan
els, will facilitate the study of epigenetics, gene-interactions,
et al.,
(ii) Retigabine opens Kv7 potassium chan-
and environmental factors.
nels consisting of KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 subunits and restores
normal channel function of KCNQ2 encephalopathy muta-
tions in vitro (Orhan et al., 2014). (iii) NMDA (N-methyl-D-
Neuroprotection in Hypoxic Ischemic
aspartate) receptor antagonists, e.g. memantine, have been
suggested for GRIN2A- or GRIN2B-related diseases (Pierson
et al., 2014).
New Therapies Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in term
(b) Nanotherapies function at an atomic, molecular or
infants occurs at a rate of about three per 1000 live-born
macromolecular level (McTague et al., 2015). An example
infants in resource-rich countries and at higher rates in
would be the proposed development of a protein-protein in-
resource-limited countries (Kurinczuk et al.,
2010; Ellis
teraction inhibitor that disrupts the helical interaction be-
et al.,
2000). Asphyxia can lead to hypoxic-ischemic en-
tween syntaxin-1A molecules, thus mimicking the action of
cephalopathy and cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is one of the
STXBP1 (Hussain et al., 2014).
most costly neurologic disabilities because of its frequency
(c) Stem cell technology will provide a platform to trial
(2/1000 births) and persistence over the life span (John-
novel compounds in neurons derived from fibroblasts of pa-
ston and Hoon, 2006). Knowledge of the nature, prognosis,
tients with specific mutations, e.g. SCN1A (McTague et al.,
and ways to treat brain lesions in neonatal infants has in-
creased remarkably over the past decade. Neonatal hypoxic-
(d) Gene therapy with delivery or expression of a wild-
ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) in term infants involves a
type gene or modification of a transcription of a mu-
progressive cascade of excito-oxidative events that unfold
tant gene may constitute future therapies
(McTague et
in the brain after an asphyxial insult. In the laboratory,
al., 2015). Examples may include (a) an aminoglycoside-
this cascade can be blocked to protect brain tissue through
induced readthrough of a premature truncation codon of
the process of neuroprotection. The interval between the
GABRG2 to rescue the cellular phenotype (Huang et al.,
initial hypoxic-ischemic insult and delayed energy failure
2012). The effect, following the introduction of a gene,
includes the latent period after resuscitation when the in-
would however be permanent, which may interfere with
fant appears more active for 8-24 hours but then devel-
normal temporal expression patterns and have side effects.
ops seizures and signs of encephalopathy (Tan et al., 1996;
This might be mitigated by the use of optogenetics - light-
Thoresen et al., 2000). The experimental evidence sug-
sensitive proteins which can be used to activate channels
gests that activation of excitatory glutamate receptors, espe-
and lasers to induce excitation or inhibition (McTague et al.,
cially NMDA receptors, occurs very early during the initial
2015). Another approach would be allele-specific RNA in-
HIE insult and then oxidative stress associated with worsen-
TEIN I. JICNA 2019;1(1)
ing mitochondrial dysfunction and mitochondrial failure be-
jury. The sub-acute response to injury was driven by as-
come important factors, which determine whether neurons
trocytes. Within five days of injury, microglial prolifera-
and glia survive or die by apoptosis or necrosis (Ferriero,
tion and migration occured, along with limited differenti-
2004; Johnston, 2005; Johnston et al., 2001). Inflamma-
ation of oligodendrocytes and oligodendrocyte death. From
tion plays an important role in the excito-oxidative cascade
one day to five days after injury, a shift in dendrimer co-
of injury (Hagberg et al., 2009), in which lipopolysaccha-
localisation occurred. Initially, dendrimers predominantly
ride has been shown to sensitise the perinatal brain to HIE
co-localised with astrocytes, with a subsequent shift to-
and worsen injury (Wang et al., 2009), which can be re-
wards microglia. Co-localisation with oligodendrocytes re-
duced by administration of the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine
duced over the same period of time, demonstrating a region-
(Wang et al., 2007). Proof of a clinical effect was lacking
specific uptake based on the progression of the injury. They
until three landmark positive RCTs of moderate hypother-
further showed that systemic administration of a single dose
mia for term infants with HIE were published from 2005 to
of dendrimer-N-acetyl cysteine conjugate (D-NAC) at either
(Gluckman et al., 2005; Shankaran et al., 2005; Az-
sub-acute or delayed time points after injury, resulted in sus-
zopardi et al., 2009). These results have greatly improved
tained attenuation of the ’detrimental’ pro-inflammatory re-
treatment prospects for babies with asphyxia and showed
sponse up to nine days after injury, while not impacting the
that moderate hypothermia within six hours of asphyxia im-
’favourable’ anti-inflammatory response. The D-NAC ther-
proves survival, without cerebral palsy or another disability,
apy also led to improvement in myelination, suggesting re-
by about 40% and reduces death or neurological disability
duced white matter injury. Demonstration of treatment ef-
by nearly 30% (Johnston et al., 2011). The search is cur-
ficacy at later time points in the postnatal period provides
rently underway to discover adjuvant treatments that can
a greater understanding of how microglial activation and
further enhance the effects of hypothermia. Sex differences
chronic inflammation can be targeted to treat neonatal brain
should also be taken into consideration when designing and
injury and may also provide a longer therapeutic window.
testing new therapies, as preclinical testing has shown that
There is also potential for cell-based therapy in perinatal
treatments may be protective in one sex but ineffective in
brain injuries in the future using stem cells, including cord
another (Johnston et al., 2011).
blood and mesenchymal stem cells which have a neuropro-
Extreme prematurity is a major risk factor for perina-
tective effect in neonatal HIE in animal studies (Phillips et
tal and neonatal brain injury, and can lead to white mat-
2013). The mechanisms of action are diverse and in-
ter injury that is a precursor for a number of neurologi-
clude anti-apoptotic effects, release of growth factors, im-
cal diseases, including cerebral palsy (CP) and autism. Be-
munomodulation and activation of endogenous stem cells.
cause neuroinflammation, mediated by activated microglia
and astrocytes, is implicated in the pathogenesis of neona-
tal brain injury, targeted drug delivery to attenuate neu-
roinflammation may greatly improve therapeutic outcomes
Fetal and Neonatal Neurology
in models of perinatal white matter injury. Kannan et al.,
(2012) have demonstrated that systemically administered
In fetal neurology, there will be increasing diagnostics in
dendrimer-based N-acetyl-L-cysteine therapy in the postna-
utero to diagnose fetal diseases that may benefit from
tal period for a prenatal insult in a newborn rabbit model
early interventions. Examples of this would include early
of brain injury, suppressed neuroinflammation and led to a
ventriculo-amniotic shunt insertions (24 to 32 wks ges-
dramatic improvement in motor function, suggesting a new
tation) for progressive, non-infectious, obstructive hydro-
window of opportunity for treatment in CP after birth in hu-
cephalus (Cavalheiro et al., 2003), maternal hyperoxygena-
tion to promote early brain development in fetuses with
Dendrimers are man-made, nanoscale compounds with
congenital heart disease (Poryaette et al., 2016; Co-Vu et
unique properties that make them useful to the health and
2017), and metabolic therapies for inborn errors of
pharmaceutical industry as both enhancements to existing
metabolism, such as maternal high dose serine therapy to
products and as entirely new products. Dendrimers are con-
promote normal brain growth in utero in fetuses with a de-
structed by the successive addition of layers of branching
fect in serine biosynthesis, who would otherwise be born
groups and each new layer is called a generation. The fi-
with microcephaly (de Konig et al., 2004).
nal generation incorporates the surface molecules that give
In neonatal neurology, there will be an increasing fo-
the dendrimer the desired function for pharmaceutical, life
cus on the recognition of the daily medical care needed
science, chemical, electronic and materials applications.
by neonates in terms of nutritional requirements at differ-
Nance et al.,
(2015) have used a mouse model of
ent stages of gestation, particularly on neurodevelopmental
ischemia-induced neonatal white matter injury to study
outcomes and nutritional strategies in very low birth weight
the biodistribution of generation 4, hydroxyl-functionalised
infants (Belfort and Ehrenkranz, 2017). There will also
polyamidoamine dendrimers. Following systemic adminis-
be an increasing focus on reducing pain in neonates, given
tration of the Cy5-labeled dendrimer (D-Cy5), they demon-
the studies demonstrating that early procedural pain (skin-
strated dendrimer uptake in cells involved in ischemic in-
breaking events) in very preterm infants may contribute to
jury, and in ongoing inflammation, leading to secondary in-
impaired brain development (Brummelte et al., 2012).
TEIN I. JICNA 2019;1(1)
autoimmune complications may include GBS or transverse
CNS Infections
myelitis (Smith and Mackenzie, 2016; Mecharles et al.,
2016), whereas the prenatally acquired ZIKV manifests with
Perhaps one of the most devastating congenital neurotropic
devastating severe congenital microcephaly, placental loss
viruses in the past 100 years has been the Zika virus and
and IUGR (Rasmussen et al., 2016; Mlakar et al., 2016). In
its extremely deleterious effect on intrauterine fetal brain
a Task Force study by the Brazil Ministry of Health, as part
development. Historically, the Zika virus (ZIKV), which is
of the work of the Global Health Workforce Alliance, ZIKV
a neurotropic flavivirus carried mainly by mosquitoes of
was identified in the amniotic fluid of two women with fe-
the genus Aedes, was discovered in Uganda in 1947. Be-
tal microcephaly (Millichap, 2016). In this study, 35 infants
tween the 1960’s and the 1980’s, human infections related
with microcephaly were born during the period from Au-
to ZIKV in Africa and Asia were typically mild. In 2007,
gust to October 2015. All of the mothers had lived in or vis-
the first large outbreak of disease was reported from the
ited ZIKV-affected areas during pregnancy. Of these infants,
Island of Yap (one of the federated states of Micronesia)
(71%) had severe microcephaly (HC (head circumfer-
as the virus moved from South-east Asia across the Pacific
ence) > 3 SD (standard deviations) below normal) and 17
(Hills et al.,
2017; Talero-Gutierrez et al., 2018). From
(49%) had at least one neurological abnormality, including
2013 to 2014, there was an outbreak in French Polyne-
hypertonia/spasticity in 37% and seizures in 9%. Of the 27
sia with cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), related
infants who underwent neuroimaging, all had abnormali-
to the ZIKV. In May 2015, the first reports of local trans-
ties with brain calcifications in 74%, ventricular dilatation
mission in Brazil were apparent. In July 2015, cases of
in 44% and neuronal migration disorders in 33%. Tests for
GBS related to ZIKV were reported in Brazil and in Oc-
other congenital infections were negative. In another study
tober 2015, cases of congenital microcephaly arising from
of 42 pregnant women in Rio de Janeiro who were positive
devastating intrauterine ZIKV exposure were reported. In
for ZIKV, fetal ultrasound demonstrated abnormalities in 12
February 2016, the WHO declared ZIKV associated micro-
(29%) with two fetal deaths at 36 and 38 weeks gestation,
cephaly and other neurological disorders as a Public Health
five with IUGR, with or without microcephaly, seven with
Emergency of International Concern. The ZIKV has been
ventricular calcifications or other brain lesions, and seven
carried worldwide by international travel. Cases were re-
with abnormal amniotic fluid volumes or cerebral or umbil-
ported in Central America and the Caribbean, with some
ical artery flows (Brasil et al., 2016). Pathophysiologically,
cases in North America (Chen and Hamer 2016; Kind-
the ZIKV has been shown to target and infect human em-
hauser et al., 2016). The primary vector Aedes aegypti has
bryonic cortical neural progenitor cells (hNPCs) and to dys-
been recorded across all continents, including North Amer-
regulate the cell cycle and transcription which leads to cell
ica, Madeira, the Netherlands and the northeastern Black
death (Tang et al., 2016). The diagnosis of ZIKV infection
Sea coast, signifying adaptation to colder climates. As of
can be done by RT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase
March 2016, all six major geographic regions confirmed
chain reaction) during the first week of illness. The viremia
local transmission including South America (Chile, Brazil,
occurs from days 0-11 after symptom onset. Serologic test-
Colombia, Suriname, Venezuela, French Guyana, Bolivia,
ing can be done by measurement of IgM (immunoglobu-
Argentina, Ecuador, Paraguay); the Caribbean (Martinique,
lin) by ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), how-
Puerto Rico, Saint Martin, Haiti, Barbados, US Virgin Is-
ever there may be false positives with cross-reacting Dengue
lands, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Curacao, Trinidad and
virus (Musso and Gluber, 2016). Confirmation can be done
Tobago, Aruba, Bonaire, St. Vincent and the Grenadines,
by plaque reduction neutralisation assays. The ZIKV may
Sint Maarten, Cuba, Dominica); Central America (Mex-
be detectable in blood, saliva, urine, sperm and amniotic
ico, Panama, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica,
fluid. At present, there are still no effective vaccines against
Guatemala); North America (USA*, Canada*, Hawaii), Eu-
the ZIKV, although many efforts are currently underway
rope (France*, Italy* (+ travelers in Germany, Finland, UK,
to accelerate the development of ZIKV vaccines using var-
Denmark)), Africa (Cape Verde), and South-East Asia (New
ious platforms, including live attenuated virus, inactivated
Caledonia, Laos, Philippines, Bangladesh, Tonga, American
virus, DNA and RNA, viral vectors, and in silico-predicted
Samoa, Fiji, Marshall Islands, Thailand (+ Japanese trav-
immunogenic viral epitopes (Makhluf and Shresta, 2018).
elers*)). Transmission is through the bites of the Aedes
There is promising news from phase I, randomised, double-
species mosquitoes, blood transfusion and sexual transmis-
blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials on aggregate safety
sion, and the ZIKV can be found in blood and urine. The
and immunogenicity results from three trials of a purified,
clinical incubation period following the bite of a ZIKV in-
inactivated ZIKV vaccine which appeared to be well tol-
fected mosquito is two to seven days. The clinical manifes-
erated and elicited robust neutralising antibody titres in
tations of post-natally acquired ZIKV are usually mild and
healthy adults (Modjarrad et al., 2017). The mainstay of
include a maculopapular rash at two to 14 days (median
therapy is prevention and symptomatic treatment. Symp-
of six days), arthralgia (at one to 14 days with a median
tomatic treatment includes antipyretics for fever and anal-
of three and a half days), and conjunctivitis, and may in-
gesics for headache and myalgia, and avoidance of nons-
variably include myalgia, headache, retroorbital pain, joint
teroidal anti-inflammatory drugs if there is thrombocytope-
swelling, vertigo and vomiting, and are self-resolving in
nia. Prevention rests on the avoidance of mosquito exposure
approximately one week (Musso and Gubler, 2016). The
TEIN I. JICNA 2019;1(1)
with DEET or picaridin repellants to minimise day-biting
is evidence that this involves axonal transport via sensory fi-
Aedes, drainage of mosquito-breeding sites, application of
bres (Gooriah and Ahmed, 2015).
insecticides and avoidance of contact with infected body flu-
Other new non-medicinal modalities include the use of
ids. Questions that still remain to be answered include the
transcutaneous supraorbital nerve stimulation (tSNS) by
effect of ZIKV on the postnatally infected developing brain.
the Cefaly device. In a double-blind, randomised sham-
controlled trial of tSNS, the device was found to be effective
and safe as a preventive therapy for migraine, with a ther-
apeutic gain of 26% which was within the range of those
reported for other preventative drug and nondrug antimi-
The management of headache has several exciting new
graine treatments (Schoenen et al., 2013). Monthly mi-
modalities of treatment on the horizon. Non-medicinal ther-
graine attacks, monthly headache days, and monthly acute
apies such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) are show-
antimigraine drug intake were also significantly reduced. In
ing promise. A randomised clinical trial of 135 youths aged
a survey of 2,313 headache sufferers in the general pop-
10 to 17 years, diagnosed with chronic migraine and a Pe-
ulation, tSNS was a safe and well-tolerated treatment for
diatric Migraine Disability Assessment Score > 20 points,
migraine headches that provided satisfaction to a majority
were assigned to CBT plus amitriptyline or to headache ed-
of patients who tested it for 40 days with adverse events
ucation plus amitriptyline (Powers et al., 2013). The use
in only 4.3%, which were minor and fully reversible (Magis
of CBT plus amitriptyline resulted in greater reductions in
et al., 2013). The Cefaly (Cefaly Technology sprl, Herstal,
days with headache and migraine-related disability com-
Belgium) device has obtained approval from the American
pared with the use of headache education plus amitripty-
Food and Drug Administration under prescription for the
line. These findings supported the efficacy of CBT in the
prevention of episodic migraine (Riederer et al., 2015). In
treatment of chronic migraine in children and adolescents.
an open-label preliminary trial of 23 consecutive headache
centre patients with chronic migraine, over half of the pa-
Encouraging results are also being found with onabo-
tulintoxin A. In a double-blind placebo-controlled trial of
tients had a greater than 50% reduction in acute medica-
onabotulinumtoxin A versus placebo for migraine prophy-
tion consumption (Di Fiore et al., 2017). The Cefaly is po-
laxis, there was no between-group difference for headache
sitioned on the forehead using an adhesive electrode and
episodes. There were however significant reductions from
precise impulses are produced during a 20 minute program,
baseline for headache and migraine days, cumulative hours
which act on the trigeminal nerve in order to prevent mi-
of headache on headache days and frequency of moder-
graine attacks.
ate/severe headache days, which in turn reduced the bur-
A second non-medicinal device which has been recently
den of illness in adults with disabling chronic migraine (Au-
approved by the FDA for patients with migraine with aura is
rora et al., 2010). In a second double-blind randomised
the Cerena Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator, a single pulse
placebo-controlled PREEMPT (Phase III Research Evaluat-
TMS stimulator which can be used as an effective preventa-
ing Migraine Prophylaxis Therapy) clinical program study
tive or abortive therapy (Zhu and Marmura, 2016).
of 1,384 adults, pooled analyses demonstrated a large mean
Currently there is a focus on the development of cal-
decrease from baseline in frequency of headache days, with
citonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) antagonists (human
statistically significant between-group differences favouring
monoclonal antibodies to CGRP or its receptor, or CGRP
onabotulinumtoxin A over placebo at week 24 (-8.4 vs -6.6;
receptor antagonists) as a preventative treatment for mi-
P < .001) and at all other time points. Significant differ-
graine. In the trigeminal vascular system, the cell bodies
ences favouring onabotulinumtoxin A were also observed
on the trigeminal ganglion are a main source of CGRP, a
for all secondary efficacy variables at all time points, with
neurotransmitter involved in pain and vasodilation which
the exception of frequency of acute headache pain medica-
is believed to play a role in migraine. The role of CGRP in
tion intakes (Dodick et al., 2010). The pooled PREEMPT
migraine is likely mediated by modulating nocioception and
results demonstrated that onabotulinumtoxin A was an ef-
sustaining neurogenic inflammation that leads to further pe-
fective prophylactic treatment for chronic migraine and re-
ripheral and central pain sensitisation (Yuan et al., 2017).
sulted in significant improvements compared with placebo
Multiple pharma companies are developing CGRP biolog-
in multiple headache symptom measures, significantly re-
icals (humanised monoclonal antibodies) to be used in the
ducing headache-related disability and improving function-
treatment of migraine. In a phase III placebo-controlled trial
ing and overall health-related quality of life. In a retro-
of fremanezumab (humanised monoclonal antibody target-
spective chart review of the efficacy of botulinum toxin
ing CGRP) in 1,130 patients, there was a lower frequency of
type A therapy in 10 pediatric patients with chronic daily
headache (Silberstein et al., 2017). Phase II and III studies
headaches, 40% reported subjective but clinically meaning-
have been promising with favourable safety profiles mak-
ful relief, consisting of a decrease in headache intensity, and
ing CGRP antagonists a major potential new therapy for the
two patients additionally noted a decrease in headache fre-
management of migraine (Yuan et al., 2017). These studies
quency and thus an improvement in quality of life (Ahmed
have been done in adults. The applicability to children will
et al., 2010). The mechanism of action of onabotulinum-
require future pediatric clinical trials.
toxin A in chronic migraine is not fully understood, but there
Within the clinical entity of idiopathic intracranial hy-
TEIN I. JICNA 2019;1(1)
pertension (IIH), there are now revised diagnostic criteria
evidence for autoimmune encephalitis (possible, probable,
for elevated opening pressures on lumbar puncture (LP)
or definite) are achieved, which can lead to prompt im-
which are > 250 mm CSF in adults and > 280 mm CSF
munotherapy. As the repertoire of autoimmune encephali-
in children (250 mm CSF in children if not sedated and not
tis in children is different from that in adults, in that the
obese) in properly performed LPs (Friedman et al., 2013).
younger the child the more difficult it is to recognise spe-
The additional required criteria for a diagnosis of IIH are
cific syndromes, the guidelines for pediatric autoimmune
papilledema, normal neurological exam except for cranial
encephalitis may be more dependent on antibody identifi-
nerve abnormalities, normal brain MRI without evidence of
cation and other ancillary tests (Graus et al., 2016). Thus
hydrocephalus or structural lesion or abnormal meningeal
there will need to be testing of this protocol for applicability
enhancement, and normal CSF composition. These inves-
to the pediatric neurology cohort.
tigators also provided criteria for IIH without papilledema.
In a two-year, single centre prospective study of CSF open-
ing pressure in 472 children undergoing LP as part of their
routine clinical care, the reference range for the 90th per-
Demyelinating disorders
centile was 28 cm of water and for the 10th percentile was
11.5 cm of water (Avery et al., 2010). Subjects placed under
moderate to deep sedation during LP had a slightly higher
Similarly in the demyelinating disorders, autoimmune de-
opening pressure as compared with those not receiving any
myelination will be divided into recognised autoantibody
sedatives. The patient’s depth of sedation, body mass index,
positive disorders
(e.g. aquaporin
4 antibody in neu-
and sedation medication could sometimes result in small
romyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) and MOG
increases in opening pressure, whereas age and leg posi-
antibody in acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM)
tion (flexed vs extended) in the lateral decubitus position
and NMOSD) versus disorders that are autoantibody nega-
did not seem to significantly impact opening pressure (Av-
tive (e.g. monophasic demyelination and relapsing chronic
ery, 2014). In a large retrospective, multisite cohort study
demyelination or multiple sclerosis (MS)). Novel diagnos-
of pediatric idiopathic intracranial hypertension with up-
tics will expand through immunophenotyping to distinguish
dated diagnostic criteria and pediatric-specific assessments,
between different neuroinflammatory demyelinations. In
three subgroups were identified; a young group that was
the autoantibody associated demyelinations, the data is
not overweight, an early adolescent group that was either
currently limited to retrospective and observational cohort
overweight or obese, and a late adolescent group that was
studies. The natural history and treatment of subgroups
mostly obese (Sheldon et al., 2016).
should be better defined in the next two to five years and
this will be facilitated through the IPMSSG (International
Pediatric MS Study Group). MS in childhood manifests most
frequently as a relapsing-remitting MS phenotype (RRMS)
(Brenton and Banwell, 2016). As in all neurological subspe-
Advances in autoimmune encephalitis research in the past
cialties, multicentre collaborative RCTs (randomised con-
10 years have led to the identification of new syndromes
trolled trials) should be the goal in order to evaluate the
and biomarkers that have transformed the diagnostic ap-
true efficacy and safety of different treatment strategies,
proach to these disorders. These newly identified forms of
given the rarity of pediatric MS. Novel therapies will rest
autoimmune encephalitis may be associated with antibod-
on immunophenotyping to determine the optimal therapies
for individual patients within diagnostic categories. There
ies against neuronal cell-surface or synaptic proteins, and
will be increasing RCTs for new immunomodulatory agents
can resemble infectious encephalitis and have neurological
in pediatric MS. Data on the efficacy of the first oral agent
and psychiatric manifestations without fever or CSF pleocy-
for pediatric MS, fingolimod, should become available in
tosis (Leypoldt et al., 2015). However, existing criteria for
the next few years through a prospective, double-blind, ran-
autoimmune encephalitis are too reliant on antibody test-
domised, active-controlled study that has begun to evalu-
ing and response to immunotherapy, which might delay the
ate the efficacy and safety of fingolimod versus IFN-ß1a in
pediatric patients with MS (PARADIGMS), with a primary
In the field of neuroimmunology, a major breakthrough
endpoint of annualised relapse rate reduction (Brenton and
moving forward is the development of the first multicentre,
Banwell, 2016). Fingolimod is the first oral drug to receive
consensus definition of autoimmune encephalitis by a team
FDA approval in North America and Europe for adults with
of experts, designed for both adults and children and allow-
relapsing-remitting MS and is a sphingosine-1-phosphate re-
ing the clinician to navigate through the differential diag-
ceptor modulator that prevents T-cell egress from peripheral
nosis to make a suspected clinical diagnosis and to initiate
lymphoid tissue into the peripheral and central circulation
treatment while awaiting antibody testing, in order to avoid
(Pelletier and Hafler, 2012). There will also be a focus on
critical delays in immunotherapy (Graus et al., 2016). This
the development of neuroprotective strategies to improve
initial diagnostic approach is based upon neurological as-
sessment and conventional tests that are accessible to most
clinicians. Through logical differential diagnosis, levels of
TEIN I. JICNA 2019;1(1)
(29 days to 18 years of age) and 354 stroke-free controls.
Infection in the week prior to stroke was reported in 18% of
Arterial ischemic stroke in newborns, young children and
cases versus 3% of controls, conferring a 6.3-fold increase
adults may appear the same on neuroimaging, but the out-
risk of AIS (p< 0.0001), with upper respiratory infections
come in terms of neurologic morbidity and mortality is
being the most common, followed by gastroenteritis, fol-
markedly different due to the tremendous capacity for plas-
lowed by otitis media (Fullerton et al., 2015). Of note, chil-
ticity in the developing child’s brain. Neocortical devel-
dren with some/few/no routine vaccinations were at higher
opment is characterised by an extended period of synap-
stroke risk than those receiving all or most, suggesting that
tic proliferation that peaks in mid-childhood, with subse-
routine vaccinations appeared to be protective. These stud-
quent pruning through early adulthood, as well as relatively
ies have been greatly facilitated by the International Pedi-
delayed maturation of neuronal arborisation in the pre-
atric Stroke Study Group which runs multicentre (> 55 ac-
frontal cortex compared with sensorimotor areas (Bianchi
tive IPSS centres in 2016), multinational consecutive cohort
et al., 2013). In studies of human cortical development by
studies with the objective to develop multicentre clinical tri-
anatomic brain MRI scans, between ages four to 21 years,
the higher-order association cortices were shown to ma-
In the future, there may be a role for thrombectomy in pe-
ture only after lower-order somatosensory and visual cor-
diatric stroke in highly selected cases, in centres with a full
tices, the functions of which they integrate were developed,
complement of pediatric anesthesia and a fully equipped pe-
and the phylogenetically older brain areas matured earlier
diatric stroke team with interventional neuroradiology and
than the newer ones (Gogtay et al., 2004). The sequence
a set of well-developed institutional guidelines. Initial case
in which the cortex matured involved an early maturation
selection would likely involve teenagers and adhere to the
of the more basic functions: motor and sensory brain areas
criteria for benefit from RCTs in which diagnosis is made
matured first, followed by areas involved in spatial orienta-
well within six hours of stroke onset, the preceding IV tPA
tion, speech and language development, and attention (up-
has been unsuccessful, there is occlusion of the proximal
per and lower parietal lobes). Later to mature were areas
Circle of Willis, and the infarct core is small. To date there
involved in executive function, attention and motor coordi-
have been only a few reported cases of pediatric thrombec-
nation (frontal lobes). The frontal pole, involved in taste
tomy in AIS and the safety and efficacy of thrombectomy
and smell processing and the occipital pole containing the
in children is currently unknown (Buompadre et al., 2017).
primary visual cortex, also matured early. This sequence
Moving forward, there will need to be a registry of compli-
of cortical maturation agreed with regionally relevant mile-
cations and outcomes of treated cases to determine efficacy.
stones in cognitive and functional development. There was
a progressive loss of grey matter volume with maturation,
the exact process of which is unknown, but may be partially
explained by synaptic pruning (Huttenlocher, 1979) in com-
Movement Disorders
bination with trophic glial and vascular changes and/or cell
shrinkage (Morrison and Hof, 1997).
In the field of movement disorders, as in other subspecial-
There are novel technologies being developed and tested
ties, it is becoming clear that the genotype is not necessarily
to modulate plasticity in the developing brain with the aim
the final answer in defining the clinical phenotype which
of enhancing rehabilitation in children with perinatal in-
may be modified by other genes and epigenetic factors and
juries or infantile strokes. One of these is the use of tran-
will therefore require further analysis. A clear example of
scranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS), which has been
mutations in a single gene that may lead to multiple phe-
shown to enhance motor-learning in healthy school-aged
notypes are mutations in ATP1A3, which may present with
children and which was well-tolerated and safe with no ad-
rapid-onset dystonia-parkinsonism, alternating hemiplegia
verse events (Ciechanski and Kirton, 2017). Another modal-
of childhood, or ataxia with dystonia (Boelman et al., 2014;
ity with promise is that of combined repetitive transcranial
Termsarasab et al., 2015; Panagiotakaki et al., 2015; Swead-
magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and constraint-induced move-
ner et al.,
2016). Other examples include mutations in
ment therapy (CIMT) which has been shown to enhance
PRRT2 which may present with diverse clinical phenotypes
therapy-induced functional motor gains persisting to six
such as paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia or benign familial
months in children with stroke-induced hemiparetic cere-
infantile convulsions (Chen et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2011;
bral palsy (Class II evidence in the PLASTIC CHAMPS Trial)
Meneret et al., 2012; Schubert et al., 2012). Similarly, mu-
(Kirton et al., 2016).
tations in TUBB4A may present with autosomal dominant
In the analysis of risk factors in pediatric arterial ischemic
torsion dystonia/whispering dysphonia (DYT4) (Lohmann
stroke (AIS), the Vascular Effects of Infection In Pediatric
et al., 2013) or hypomyelinating leukoencephalopathy with
Stroke (VIPS) study tested the hypothesis that infection
atrophy of the basal ganglia and cerebellum (HABC) (Si-
transiently increases the risk of AIS in children, regardless
mons et al., 2013). New therapeutic approaches These
of stroke subtype (arteriopathic, cardioembolic and idio-
will focus on improved medication options based upon a
pathic). This was an international case-control study that
better understanding of the neurobiology of the specific
prospectively enrolled 355 centrally confirmed cases of AIS
movement disorder, e.g. therapies may be directed, as ap-
TEIN I. JICNA 2019;1(1)
propriate, toward subtype specific anti-muscarinic medica-
cortical, mesolimbic and nigrostriatal) (San Sebastian et
tions, vesicular dopamine uptake inhibitors or may use gene
modification approaches, such as anti-sense oligonucleotide
therapy. There may also be advances in neuromodulation
therapies, such as more specific deep brain stimulation tar-
gets, patient-specific stimulation paradigms, or non-invasive
Neuromuscular Disorders
methods for neuromodulation.
In the field of neuromuscular disorders, the Treat-NMD Al-
frastructure and highly informative website for clinicians,
Neurotransmitter disorders
researchers, families and patients, to ensure that the most
promising new therapies reach patients as quickly as pos-
New diseases In the field of neurotransmitter disorders,
sible, and to provide state-of-the-art standards of care for
emerging new diseases are being recognised, including dis-
common neuromuscular disorders, such as muscular dys-
orders of serotonin deficiency as well as novel monoamine
trophies and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).
neurotransmitter disorders that involve defects in dopamine
Novel diagnostics
transport and monoamine vesicle packaging (Ng et al.,
In neuromuscular disorders, novel diagnostics will in-
2015). There will also be increasing recognition of sec-
creasingly use qualitative and quantitative muscle and nerve
ondary neurotransmitter disorders where the CSF profile
ultrasound techniques (Connolly et al., 2015; Jongloed et
does not fit a known primary neurotransmitter defect. Most
al., 2016). There will also be an increasing trend toward the
of the secondary neurotransmitter disorders have been sep-
identification of robust biomarkers for different disorders,
arated into those associated with abnormal levels of HVA
in order to evaluate the efficacy of therapies in randomised
or with abnormal levels of
5-HIAA (selective serotonin
clinical trials.
deficiency) (Ng et al.,
2015). In these conditions, dis-
ruption of monoamine metabolism may be secondary to
Identification of pathophysiologic mechanisms will be
dopaminergic and serotonergic tract degeneration or defec-
aided by CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing which has been use-
tive monoamine metabolism. Disorders with low HVA and
ful for DMD mouse models. Gene-edited Zebra fish have
normal 5-HIAA include mitochondrial disorders, Rett syn-
also become a very valuable model for understanding the
drome, CACNA1A mutations with ataxia, NKH, etc.; disor-
impact of mutations in congenital myopathies and muscular
ders with low HVA and low 5-HIAA include ADEM, GBS,
dystrophies (Raeker et al., 2014). The Treat-NMD network
urea cycle disorders, mitochondrial disorders, encephalitis,
has also provided standard operating procedures (SOPs) to
etc.; disorders with low HVA and low methyltetrahydrofo-
unify experimental protocols used to test new therapies in
late include leukodystrophy, hypomyelination, demyelina-
animal models and cells, allowing direct comparisons be-
tion, etc.; disorders with high HVA and normal 5-HIAA in-
tween studies.
clude Angleman syndrome, HIE, stroke, urea cycle disor-
Novel therapies
ders, etc.; disorders with low 5-HIAA only include autism,
Internationally, novel therapies are now listed on
idiopathic adult-onset dystonia, etc. and those with high
neopterin include EIEE, HIV infections, CNS infections, etc.
sess eligibility of patients for new or ongoing clinical tri-
(Ng et al., 2015). The importance of the recognition of
als. The major breakthrough in the treatment of SMA is the
these patterns lies in the potential for treatment interven-
intrathecal anti-sense oligonucleotide therapy (Nusinersen)
tion, even in cases of secondary deficiencies. Enhanced
that modulates pre-messenger RNA splicing of the survival
understanding of novel disease mechanisms will be aided
of motor neuron 2 (SMN2) gene. This has shown great
by current technologies, such as induced pluripotent stem
promise in clinical trials of children with type 1 SMA and
cells (iPSC) which may be used to understand pathophysi-
later-onset SMA and has generated a number of immediate
ology of disease in the appropriate neuronal subtypes and
and substantial medical, ethical and financial implications
may form the basis for development of therapies (Rein-
(Chiriboga, 2017; Messina et al., 2017; Paton, 2017; Groen
hardt et al., 2013). Another powerful new technology is
et al., 2018; Mercuri et al., 2018).
the development of CRISPR/Cas9 models in animals and
Treatments for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), the
cell lines, leading to further understanding of pathophys-
most common of the muscular dystrophies, which leads to
iologic disease mechanisms. Novel diagnostics may in-
a shortened life span and considerable disability, are util-
clude metabolomics approaches through the use of mass
ising new gene therapies such as exon skipping (exon 44,
spectrometry profiles, to develop biomarkers, both for di-
45, 51, and 53) and stop mutation readthrough strategies.
agnosis and for monitoring of treatment efficacy. Novel
Other strategies include the use of monoclonal antibody
therapies may include gene therapy approaches as in the
to connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) (Morales et al.,
aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) gene therapy
2013). In terms of organ complications, carvedilol has been
trial, using delivery of the AAV2-hAADC by a stereotac-
found to be protective for cardiac function (Matsumura et
tically inserted canula into the midbrain into the site of
al., 2010). Targets for experimental treatments for DMD in-
origin of the three major dopaminergic pathways (meso-
clude strategies for cell membrane repair, gene repair (as in-
TEIN I. JICNA 2019;1(1)
dicated above and including morpholino oligonucleotides to
autophagosome formation, maturation or autophagosome-
block translation or gene splicing) and gene transfer, muscle
lysosome fusion. Examples include the EPG5-related Vici
or stem cell therapy, myostatin inhibition and utrophin up-
syndrome, the beta-propeller protein-associated neurode-
regulation (Guiraud and Davies, 2017; Mishra et al., 2017).
generation due to mutations in WDR45, SNX14-associated
Among the novel approaches to corticosteroid treatment in
autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia and intellectual dis-
DMD, these have focused on the development of dissocia-
ability syndrome, and three forms of hereditary spastic para-
tive steroids such as VBP15 which retain membrane and
plegia, SPG11, SPG15, SPG49, caused by SPG11, ZFYVE26
anti-inflammatory subactivities associated with clinical effi-
and TECPR2 mutations, respectively. There are also as-
cacy, but do not retain the glucocorticoid response element-
sociations between defective autophagy and other inborn
mediated transcriptional activities with the associated ad-
errors of metabolism, such as the lysosomal storage dis-
verse side effects of gluconeogenesis, muscle catabolism and
eases and neurodevelopmental diseases associated with the
adrenal suppression (Hoffman et al., 2012; Heier et al.,
mTOR pathway. The modulation of autophagy may serve
2013). VBP15 has been shown to improve muscle strength
as a therapeutic target for pathway-specific drug develop-
in DMD mice independent of hormonal, growth or immuno-
ment. The neuronal pathways of protein and cargo degra-
suppressive effects (Heier et al., 2013).
dation are well outlined (Ebrahimi-Fakhari et al., 2014).
Novel therapies for limb girdle muscular dystrophy in-
Novel diagnostics Novel diagnostics will increasingly in-
clude gene transfer for LGMD2D (alpha-sarcoglycan de-
volve metabolomic profiles to distinguish between clinical
ficiency), using scAAVrh74 by intramuscular transfer, re-
and biochemical phenotypes within a given disorder, as well
sulting in long-term, sustainable gene expression of alpha-
as response to therapies. There will also be increasing use
sarcoglycan (Mendell et al., 2010). In the dysferlinopathies,
of 1H-MRS brain metabolite profiles, which are already use-
novel therapy may include intramuscular gene transfer of
ful for the non-invasive diagnosis and assessment of thera-
the dysferlin gene by AAV5 (Grose et al., 2012).
peutic responses in a number of disorders, including mito-
chondrial disorders, white matter diseases, Canavan’s dis-
ease, and creatine deficiency syndromes, but which may be-
come further expanded with finer resolution of MRS peaks.
Neurometabolic Disorders
There may also be increasing use of 31P-MRS protocols of
exercising muscle using an MR-compatible cycle ergometer
Neurometabolic disorders, given the understanding of dys-
and different exercise protocols to distinguish between dif-
regulation of metabolic pathways, have become a model for
ferent metabolic pathway defects (e.g. use of high energy
pathophysiology-driven therapies. On the initial characteri-
phosphagens assessed with a short burst of maximal in-
sation of a neurometabolic disorder, the most severe of the
tense activity, glycolytic/glycogenolytic defects assessed by
phenotypes is usually first recognised and described, fol-
sustained intense exercise at 85% maximal exercise repre-
lowed by an expansion of the phenotypes based on milder
senting primarily anaerobic exercise, and of mitochondrial
mutations in a given gene. In addition, many disorders
disorders assessed with repeated bouts of moderate inten-
once considered rare are becoming increasingly recognised
sity activity at 65% of maximal work, representing primar-
by improved clinical recognition, as well as through new-
ily aerobic exercise) (Rodan et al., 2015). In mitochondrial
born screening, allowing for more accurate predictions of
disorders, the delay in the rate of phosphocreatine recovery
prevalence, and through the application of WES and WGS.
post-aerobic exercise is the most sensitive abnormality on
New disease categories New disease categories are show-
31P-MRS of mitochondrial function, since it is purportedly
ing an ever increasing number of newly recognised path-
entirely achieved through oxidative phosphorylation (Mat-
way defects, including the expanding spectrum of congeni-
tei et al., 2004). This technique will also be useful for the
tal disorders of glycosylation (now > 100 known disorders),
evaluation of interventional therapies and their impact on
which are multisystemic and can involve every organ sys-
exercise performance. Another diagnostic modality, namely
tem. They often include intellectual disability, epilepsy, hy-
BOLD-MRI, may become of increasing interest in the eval-
potonia, muscle and nerve disease, and multiorgan involve-
uation of vascular disorders (e.g. Moya moya for vascular
ment due to cell signaling, cell to cell interaction or cell
reserve) and metabolic disorders (e.g. MELAS syndrome).
migration abnormalities (Peanne et al., 2017). Other cate-
In a pilot study, MELAS disease severity and mutation load
gories of disorders that are expanding include the congen-
were found to be inversely correlated with interictal cere-
ital disorders of autophagy (Ebrahimi-Afkhari et al., 2016)
brovascular reactivity (CVR) on BOLD-MRI and directly cor-
and the CNS transporters. The congenital disorders of au-
related with frontal cerebral blood flow (on arterial spin la-
tophagy are an emerging novel class of inborn errors of
beling) which may serve as noninvasive prognostic markers
neurometabolism. They affect the CNS at various stages of
to stratify risk for stroke-like episodes (Rodan et al., 2015).
development and may lead to brain malformations, devel-
Novel therapies
opmental delay, intellectual disability, epilepsy, movement
disorders and neurodegeneration (Ebrahimi-Fakhari et al.,
These will include mutation-based precision medicine
2016). Mutations in key autophagy genes map to differ-
approaches. There will also be a number of novel ther-
ent stages of this highly conserved pathway and may lead
apies including new target-based pharmacotherapeutic
to impairment in the isolation membrane (or phagophore),
approaches in mitochondrial disorders, small molecule
TEIN I. JICNA 2019;1(1)
chaperone therapies for misfolded proteins, in utero fetal
piratory chain function with vitamins and cofactors, elim-
therapy for identified metabolic disorders
(e.g. serine
ination of noxious compounds, shifting of heteroplasmy to
deficiency due to 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase defi-
lower the mutation load in mtDNA-related disorders and,
ciency) (de Konig et al., 2004), new ergometric therapies
most recently, cytoplasmic transfer in mtDNA-related dis-
‘gene shifting’ in mitochondrial disorders (Taivassalo
eases. In cytoplasmic transfer, the nucleus of an in vitro-
et al.,
1999; Tarnopolsky, 2014), novel in vitro fertilisa-
fertilised oocyte from a carrier is transferred to an enucle-
tion genetic therapies in mitochondrial genetic disorders
ated oocyte from a normal donor, whereby the embryo will
(three-parent embryo) (Tavare, 2012; Liu and Chu, 2015),
have the nDNA of the biological parents but the mtDNA of a
and international RCTs to determine drug efficacy in rare
healthy female mitochondrial donor (DiMauro et al., 2013).
disorders. Mitochondrial disorders as a group are the most
Currently, we stand at the threshold of novel pharmaco-
common inborn errors of metabolism. The new generation
logic approaches to restore mitochondrial function, includ-
of highly potent antioxidants, such as EPI-743, may hold
ing agents to stimulate and/or restore mitochondrial bio-
new promise in mitochondrial Leigh syndrome (Martinelli
genesis, mitochondrial dynamics (fusion and fission), mi-
et al., 2012; Pastore et al., 2013). Resistance training of 12
tophagy and the mitochondrial unfolded protein response
weeks in patients with single, large-scale deletions of mito-
(Andreux et al., 2014). Mitochondrial biogenesis agents
chondrial DNA led to increased muscle strength, myofibre
may include NAD+ boosters, sirtuins, PPAR and PCGC1 lig-
damage and regeneration, increased proportion of neural
ands; targets for mitochondrial fusion may include MFN1,
cell adhesion molecule-positive satellite cells and improved
MFN2, and OPA1; targets for mitochondrial fission may in-
muscle oxidative capacity, supporting the hypothesis of
clude dynamin-related protein 1; targets of mitophagy may
resistance exercise-induced mitochondrial gene-shifting
include Parkin and PINK1 genes; and targets of protein-
in muscle containing satellite cells with low or absent
folding homeostasis may include the mitochondrial un-
levels of deleted DNA (Murphy et al., 2008). Alternating
folded protein response (UPR) which reduces the amount
endurance exercise training (which increases VO2 max and
of unfolded proteins by stimulating mtHSP70 and HSP60
respiratory chain enzyme activity, and improves quality of
(Andreux et al., 2014). New and powerful phenotypic as-
life) with resistance training (which increases strength and
says in cell-based models, as well as multicellular organ-
may lower mutation burden in patients with mitochondrial
isms, have been developed to explore different aspects of
DNA deletions) and beginning an exercise program at a low
mitochondrial function that may serve to test and ascertain
intensity and duration, gradually increasing duration and
the efficacy of novel pharmacotherapies. Target-based ap-
intensity, tempered with abstaining from exercise on days
proaches enable structure-activity relationship optimisation
with stressors, such as fever, infection, muscle pain, or fast-
of hits from primary screens (e.g. estrogen-related receptor
ing, should prove a useful therapeutic strategy for children
ligands, PPAR ligands, SIRT1 activators such as sirtuin 1,
with mitochondrial disorders using play-based exercises
AMP-activated protein kinase). The disadvantage is that the
(Tarnopolsky, 2014). Exercise prescriptions should become
target is a small part of the regulatory networks. Phenotype-
a part of future therapy. There is also promising preliminary
based approaches in different model systems (yeast, im-
data on the therapeutic effects of L-arginine and L-citrulline
mortalised cell lines, primary cells) allow identification of
supplementation in reducing the frequency, duration and
novel drugs that modulate a more global phenotype, with-
severity of stroke-like episodes in MELAS syndrome (Koga
out knowing the specific target, and may identify novel
et al.,
2007; Siddiq et al., 2015; El-Hattab et al., 2016).
pathways (Andreux et al., 2014). Given the marked vari-
Randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trials to assess the
ability in mitochondrial phenotypes for a given genotype
therapeutic efficacy of both on clinical complications of
and the different genotypes that may share a similar clin-
MELAS are needed.
ical phenotype, as well as the unpredictable variability in
individual clinical courses, compounded by the relative rar-
ity of each etiology or subtype of mitochondrial disease even
Therapy in mitochondrial disorders has been largely pal-
within a given genetic mutation, this underlines the critical
liative and inadequate. Therapeutic trials in mitochondrial
importance of international collaborations for large-scale
disorders to date have been disappointing. In a Cochrane
randomised double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trials.
review of 1,335 studies of therapeutic interventions, includ-
In developing children, evaluation is further complicated as
ing pharmacologic agents, dietary modification, nutritional
improvements may be a function of their normal develop-
supplements and exercise therapy, only 12 studies fulfilled
mental profile rather than the therapeutic strategy, in which
the entry criteria of randomised controlled trials (including
case repeat crossover trials, allowing for the comparison of
cross-over studies) (Pfeffer et al., 2012). On review of these
the individual child both ‘on’ and ‘off’ the intervention at
studies, it was concluded that there was no clear evidence
several timepoints, may help to clarify treatment efficacy.
supporting the use of any intervention in mitochondrial dis-
In mitochondrial disorders there will be an increasing fo-
orders. However, the studies were conducted with different
cus on international prospective randomised, double-blind,
agents in clinically heterogeneous populations with evalu-
placebo-controlled trials of well-characterised clinically ho-
ation of different primary and secondary endpoints, mak-
mogeneous phenotypic populations using international reg-
ing comparisons difficult. The therapeutic strategies to date
istries and clinical consortia
(e.g. North American Mi-
have included supportive measures, enhancement of res-
TEIN I. JICNA 2019;1(1)
tochondrial Disease Consortium (NAMDC)) with common
atric disorders peak at different stages of development,
protocols and measurement of clinically relevant primary
e.g. ADHD/conduct disorders peak at around 10 years of
endpoints. In 2005, the National Institute of Neurological
age (range of five to 14 years), anxiety disorders around
Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) initiated the development of
12-13 years of age (range five to 18 years), schizophre-
Common Data Elements (CDEs) to assist NINDS-funded in-
nia around 17 years of age (range 13-20 years), substance
vestigators in collecting neuroscientific clinical trial research
abuse around 18-20 years (range 13-25 years), and mood
data in a standardised and consistent fashion (Grinnon et
disorders around 25 years of age (Kessler et al.,
2012). In 2016, an international group of mitochon-
Kessler and Wang, 2008). An understanding of the devel-
drial clinicians and scientists assembled a series of tests into
opmental course of these changes may inform which treat-
a toolkit for use in future mitochondrial clinical trials. There
ments are best at different ages. By understanding sensitive
will be increasing use of a comprehensive set of CDEs, rec-
windows of development when the brain is particularly re-
ommendations, data definitions, CRFs (case report forms),
ceptive to the environment, we may be better able to under-
and guidelines for use in mitochondrial clinical research as
stand shifts and early closures of these windows due to envi-
developed by the NINDS (Karaa et al., 2017) to offer use-
ronmental or genetic factors, allowing us to potentially ex-
ful frameworks for standardisation of mitochondrial clinical
pand them behaviourally and/or pharmacologically (Casey
trials. Such trials will also facilitate the validation of tests in
et al., 2015). Targeting more developed or dynamic/plastic
this population. The widespread use of CDEs is intended to
circuitry may enhance treatment efficacy. Novel interven-
enhance mitochondrial clinical research endeavors, includ-
tions would be based on bridging information from humans
ing natural history studies, clinical trial design, and data
and animal models at the genetic, molecular, circuit and be-
sharing, and to harmonise collected data in different re-
havioural levels and would allow a precision medicine ap-
search studies in order to allow comparisons of results in
proach, based on the age and genetic makeup of the indi-
relatively rare phenotypes. Ongoing international collabora-
vidual and environmental factors (Casey et al., 2015). For
tion will facilitate regular review, updates and online publi-
example, treatments for fear-related disorders such as post-
cation of mitochondrial CDEs, and support improved consis-
traumatic stress disorder, might be tailored as a function of
tency of data collection and reporting. The North American
age to use specific interventions at a developmental stage
Mitochondrial Disease Consortium (NAMDC) provides a na-
when they may be most effective (Hartley and Lee, 2015).
tional registry of patients with mitochondrial disorders. This
The attenuation of fear-extinction associated with adoles-
resource, along with other national registries, will hopefully
cent development may hinder responses to traditional psy-
provide adequate patient numbers with homogeneous phe-
chotherapy, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT),
notypes for study and for clinical trials in order to advance
because CBT densensitises an individual to anxiogenic stim-
a better understanding of the specific disease pathogenesis,
uli through repeated exposures (e.g. extinction-learning).
and to ultimately allow for the development of much needed
This is particularly topical in our current age where chil-
evidence-based protocols and treatments.
dren in many regions of the world are exposed to significant
emotional trauma through the devastation of war, poverty,
illness, and separation from parents. Attention must also
be paid to the constant, often unfiltered and traumatic, and
age-inappropriate information intrusion/overload from the
media, cell phones, iPads, etc. and the effects of these reg-
Neurobiological studies have demonstrated that behaviours
ular interruptions on attention, focus and learning. Autism
and underlying brain circuits and neural growth factors
There are major advances occurring in the field of autism.
(brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)) show charac-
Autism is now recognised as a complex multifactorial de-
teristic changes across the life-span that produce ‘sensitive
velopmental disorder arising from polygenic (‘autism-risk’
windows of vulnerability or heightened plasticity’ to partic-
genes) and epigenetic factors, as well as non-genetic envi-
ular experiences or ‘resilience to psychopathology’ (Casey et
ronmental risk factors (e.g. prenatal teratogens in utero,
al., 2015). Inhibitory neurotransmission peaks early within
congenital viral infections, maternal anticonvulsants, post-
the amygdala (during childhood), whereas increases in the
natal autoimmune diseases, as well as viral infections, hy-
prefrontal cortex begin during adolescence and do not peak
poxia and CNS toxins, etc.) and their interaction. ASD
until adulthood (Hartley and Lee, 2015). The gonadal hor-
(autism spectrum disorder) demonstrates high heritability
mones and BDNF levels peak during adolescence. Myelina-
and familial clustering, yet the genetic causes remain only
tion increases gradually from childhood to adulthood. Fear-
partially understood due to extensive clinical and genomic
learning, extinction, and reconsolidation exhibit qualitative
heterogeneity. Novel diagnostics Novel diagnostics include
maturational changes across the lifespan from childhood
the detection of clinically relevant genetic variants in ASD
to adolescence to adulthood. Cued and contextual fear-
by whole-genome sequencing. In the study by Jiang et al.
learning emerge during childhood, but the memories are la-
(2013), WGS was used to examine 32 families with ASD and
bile. Contextual fear expression and extinction-learning are
deleterious variants were found in four unrecognised, nine
attenuated during adolescence, whereas in adulthood, ex-
known, and eight candidate ASD risk genes. Identification
tinguished fear recovers, but can be attenuated persistently
of biomarkers in infants at high risk for ASD, such as eye fix-
through reconsolidation (Hartley and Lee, 2015). Psychi-
TEIN I. JICNA 2019;1(1)
ation, which is present but in decline in two- to six-month-
200 kilobases, through transcription elongation (King et al.,
old infants later diagnosed with ASD, provides a chance for
2013). Many high-confidence ASD candidate genes are ex-
early intervention (Jones and Klin, 2013). There is a ma-
ceptionally long and were found to be reduced in expres-
jor effort underway to identify novel mechanisms leading to
sion after topoisomerase 1 inhibition (King et al., 2013).
ASD in order to develop better therapies in the future. Ge-
This would suggest that chemicals and genetic mutations
netic studies have identified mutations in genes that inter-
that impair topoisomerases could contribute to ASD and
fere with typical neurodevelopment in utero through child-
other neurodevelopmental disorders which may inform fu-
hood. Studies employing exome and genome-wide sequenc-
ture therapies.
ing have identified nine high-confidence ASD genes (ANK2,
b) Microbiotica: in the maternal immune activation (MIA)
murine model that displays GI barrier defects, microbiota
TBR1) (Buxbaum et al., 2012; Willsey et al., 2013), but oth-
alterations and features of ASD, oral treatment of MIA
ers are likely to be identified.
offspring with the human commensal Bacteroides frag-
Many genes discovered to date are involved in multiple bi-
ilis corrects gut permeability, alters microbial composition
ological processes at multiple points during development,
and ameliorates defects in communication, stereotypy and
and identical mutations in the same gene can lead to wide
anxiety-like and sensorimotor behaviours, consistent with
variability in psychiatric and neurological syndromes (Mal-
ASD features supporting a brain-gut-microbiome connec-
hotra and Sebat, 2012). Investigators using coexpression
tion in a mouse model of ASD (Hsaio et al., 2013). The
networks based on these high-confidence ASD ‘seed’ genes,
MIA offspring display an altered metabolomics profile and
leveraging a rich expression data set, including multiple
B. fragilis modulates the levels of several of these metabo-
human brain regions across human development and into
lites. These findings support a potential probiotic therapy
adulthood, have demonstrated a key point of convergence
for GI and for behavioural symptoms in human neurodevel-
in midfetal layer 5/6 cortical projection neurons (Willsey
opmental disorders, which may provide the basis for future
et al.,
2013). The complexes of genes identified have
therapeutic interventions.
been involved in synaptogenesis and axon motility (Park
c) Though < 5% of ASD has been found to be related to
et al., 2016). It is felt that the resultant microstructural,
metabolic disorders (Park et al., 2016), the identification of
macrostructural and functional abnormalities that emerge
potentially treatable etiologies is important. These would
during brain development lead to a pattern of dysfunctional
include the creatine deficiency disorders, PKU (phenylke-
neural networks involved in socioemotional processing. Mi-
tonuria), the CNS folate transporter (FOLR1), adenylosuc-
crostructurally, there is an altered ratio of short- to long-
cinate lyase deficiency, disorders of purine metabolism and
diameter axons and disorganisation of cortical layers and,
mitochondrial disorders. d) Another randomised, placebo-
macrostructurally, MRI studies of brain volume in ASD in-
controlled trial of methyl B12
in children with autism
dividuals have consistently shown cortical and subcortical
demonstrated improved clinician-rated symptoms of ASD
grey matter overgrowth in early brain development (Park et
that were correlated with improvements in measures of
al., 2016). Pathological changes have been noted on neu-
methionine metabolism and cellular methylation capacity
roimaging and neuropathological studies in the prefrontal
(Hendren et al., 2016). e) Autism spectrum disorder, ADHD,
cortex, amygdala and Nucleus acumbens (Park et al., 2016).
schizophrenia, major depressive disorder and bipolar disor-
The amygdala, which is a major component of the limbic
der have been shown to share genetic risk loci on genome-
system and the affective loop of the cortico-striatothalamo-
wide analysis, which showed SNPs at four loci in regions
cortical circuit, has roles in cognition and ASD, the Nucleus
on 3p21 and 10q24, and SNPs within two L-type voltage-
acumbens is a key structure in the social reward response,
gated calcium channel subunits, CACNA1C and CACNB2.
and the prefrontal cortex has roles in higher-level cogni-
Pathway analysis supported a role for calcium channel sig-
tive control processing. It also has reciprocal connections
nalling genes for all five disorders (Cross-Disorder Group
with brain regions involved in emotional processing (amyg-
of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, 2013). These risk
dala), memory (hippocampus) and high-order sensory re-
factor gene SNPs may serve to provide early identification of
gions (within the temporal cortex) (Park et al., 2016). Func-
ASD, and the dysregulated pathways may suggest targeted
tionally, resting-state fMRI (functional MRI) studies have
treatment interventions.
shown widespread global underconnectivity in the socioe-
Novel therapies
motional networks, and task-based fMRI have shown de-
The identification of pharmacogenomics indicators of
creased activation of networks involved in socioemotional
ASD subphenotypes and increased understanding of the
processing (Park et al., 2016). Future treatments may tar-
specific underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms contribut-
get the architecture of ASD development.
ing to ASD in a given child may enable targeted future ther-
Novel mechanisms for ASD
apies (e.g. antipsychotics, antidepressants, selective sero-
(a) Topoisomerases are expressed throughout the devel-
tonin reuptake inhibitors, adrenergic agonists, ß-adrenergic
oping and adult brain and are mutated in some individu-
antagonists, mood stabilisers, antiepileptic drugs, etc.).
als with ASD. Topoisomerases appear to be important in
In medically refractory cases with self-injurious behaviour,
the expression of extremely long genes in mouse and hu-
deep-brain stimulation of the amygdala, anterior limb of the
man neurons, including nearly all genes that are longer than
internal capsule or globus pallidus has been used with some
TEIN I. JICNA 2019;1(1)
benefit (Sturm et al., 2012; Stocco et al., 2014).
et al.,
2017). Another therapy for recurring tumours, or
ones difficult to reach surgically, is laser interstitial thermal
There has been enormous debate regarding the possibil-
therapy (LITT). This is a minimally invasive cytoreductive
ity of a link between childhood vaccinations and the subse-
treatment using a low voltage laser to induce hyperthermia
quent development of autism. In recent times this has be-
to destroy tumour cells. The extent of the thermal damage
come a major public health issue with vaccine preventable
is controlled through the use of real-time MR-thermography
diseases increasing in the community, due to the fear of a
guidance (clinicaltrials.gov) (Lagman et al., 2017). The
’link’ between vaccinations and autism. Taylor et al., (2014)
neurosurgeon visualises and controls the treatment proce-
performed a meta-analysis to summarise available evidence
dure in real-time with intraoperative MRI and a stereotacti-
from case-control and cohort studies on this topic (MED-
cally placed probe. The fibre optic probe heats the tissue
LINE, PubMed, EMBASE, Google Scholar up to April, 2014).
in the direction of the tumour while cooling in other di-
The meta-analysis findings suggested that vaccinations were
rections to protect the surrounding healthy tissue. There
NOT associated with the development of autism or ASD.
may also be increased use of robotics in stereotactic neu-
Furthermore, the components of the vaccines (thimerosal or
rosurgery and in rehabilitation. Robot-enhanced repetitive
mercury) or multiple vaccines (MMR) were not associated
treadmill (ROBERT) therapy is being used in children with
with the development of autism or ASD. Moving forward,
cerebral palsy (Schroeder et al., 2014).
it will be important to reinforce these findings within the
medical community, given the alarming rise of preventable
infectious diseases such as measles and the associated dev-
Stem Cell Therapy
astating subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE).
Continuing questions are being raised regarding the possi-
bility of stem cell therapy for neurodegenerative diseases.
Tuberous Sclerosis
This becomes even more complicated in the case of the de-
veloping nervous system in terms of bypassing the blood-
In tuberous sclerosis, the new diagnostics rest on under-
brain barrier and delivery of the cells to the needed loca-
standing phenotypic heterogeneity based upon genetic, bio-
tions, proliferation of the cells, self-renewal and differentia-
logic and environmental factors. There are improved TSC
tion of the stem cells into the appropriate neuronal or glial
disease models and increased understanding of the TSC
cell subtypes, developmental regulation of the expressed
signaling pathways and cellular consequences of TSC de-
cellular proteins and the formation of the appropriate path-
ficiency. TSC is a genetic disorder resulting from overacti-
way synaptic connections.
vation of the mTOR pathway, and pharmacologic inhibition
There have been very exciting new developments iden-
with mTOR inhibitors such as rapamycin have emerged as
tifying a drug that upregulates endogenous neurogenesis,
exciting viable target treatment options for the disease man-
thereby bypassing most of the issues raised above. Inves-
ifestations (Jeong and Wong, 2016). mTOR inhibition with
tigators have shown that metformin, a widely used FDA-
Everolimus has been shown to alleviate obstructive hydro-
approved diabetes drug, promotes neurogenesis and en-
cephalus due to subependymal giant cell astrocytomas in a
hances spatial memory formation (Wang et al.,
series of four patients, offering a significant therapeutic op-
Specifically, they have shown that an atypical PKC-CBP (pro-
tion to neurosurgical resection (Moavero et al., 2017).
tein kinase C-transcriptional coactivator) pathway is essen-
tial for the normal genesis of neurons from neural precur-
sors, and that metformin activates this pathway to promote
rodent and human neurogenesis in culture. They have fur-
In neurooncology, there will similarly be more refined clini-
ther demonstrated that metformin also enhances neuroge-
cal diagnosis of brain tumours based on WGS. For example,
nesis in the adult mouse brain in a CBP-dependent fash-
medulloblastoma can be divided into a number of tumour
ion, and in so doing enhances spatial reversal-learning in
subtypes based upon molecular markers, which can predict
the water maze. By activating an aPKC-CBP pathway, met-
response to treatment in a precision medicine or person-
formin thus recruits neural stem cells and enhances neu-
alised medicine approach (Northcott et al., 2017).
ral function, thereby providing a candidate pharmacological
Novel therapies
approach for central nervous system therapy. Furthermore,
These may include convection-enhanced delivery (CED)
metformin has been shown to promote proliferation, self-
of novel compounds, including tumour-specific monoclonal
renewal and differentiation of adult neural precursor cells
antibodies for brain tumours that would not cross the
(NPCs) (Fatt et al., 2015). This study has shown that met-
blood-brain barrier and could be delivered by stereotactic
formin enhances adult NPC proliferation and self-renewal,
catheters placed within or around the tumour (e.g. molec-
dependent upon the p53 family member and transcription
ularly targeted cytotoxic drugs or immunotherapy in malig-
factor TAp73, while it promotes neuronal differentiation of
nant glioma (Shoji et al., 2016)). Other new agents will in-
these cells by activating the AMPK(AMP-activated protein
clude anti-angiogenesis agents targeting vascular endothe-
kinase)-aPKC-CBP pathway. Metformin thus represents an
lial growth factor and receptor signaling (Kalpathy-Cramer
optimal candidate neuroregenerative agent as it is capable
TEIN I. JICNA 2019;1(1)
of not only expanding the adult NPC population but also
site to provide access to all. There will be a focus on
subsequently driving them toward neuronal differentiation
evidence-based guidelines for best standards of care as
by activating two distinct molecular pathways.These find-
well as precision medicine approaches based on specific
ings have now been translated to a murine model of child-
individual mutations and profiles. These collaborations
hood hypoxic-ischemic injury. Investigators found that met-
in the aggregate will reduce the global burden of neuro-
formin administration activated endogenous NPCs, expand-
logic diseases, increasing cognitive potential and providing
ing the size of the NPC pool and promoting NPC migra-
a brighter and healthier future for our children.
tion and differentiation in the injured neonatal murine brain
in a hypoxia-ischemia (H/I) injury model (Dadwal et al.,
2015). Importantly, metformin treatment following H/I re-
stored sensory-motor function and lineage tracking revealed
RCT Randomized controlled trial
that it also led to an increase in the absolute number of
POLG Polymerase Gamma
subependymal-derived NPCs relative to untreated H/I con-
trols in areas associated with sensory-motor function (Dad-
VUS variants of unknown significance
wal et al., 2015). Therefore, activation of endogenous NPCs
is a highly promising target for therapeutic intervention in
POLG Polymerase Gamma
childhood brain injury models.
POLG Polymerase Gamma
We now stand at the threshold of a brave new world with
many exciting new technologies, but we must never for-
get the power of clinical medicine which allows us to in-
The author would specifically like to gratefully acknowl-
terpret and use these tools with precision and with clinical
edge her colleagues who contributed their perspectives and
wisdom. In the aggregate, strong collaborations between
insights as follows: Brenda Banwell, Helen Cross, Rus-
clinicians for the meticulous clinical phenotyping, expan-
sell Dale, Bernard Dan, Linda De Meirleir, Gabrielle De
sion of the range of phenotypic expression and the entry
Veber, Michael Johnston, Manju Kurian, Kenneth Mack,
of patients into international RCTs, the biochemists for the
Steven Miller, Berge Minassian, Jonathan Mink, Francesco
biochemical phenotyping and understanding of the basic
Muntoni, Charles Newton, James Rutka, Ingrid Scheffer,
pathophysiology of the underlying dysregulations and dis-
Michael Shevell and Sylvia Stockler.
ease mechanisms arising from the protein dysfunctions, and
the development of robust biomarkers to evaluate disease
Competing interests
severity and response to therapies, as well as the geneti-
cists for the understanding of the impact of the exonic or
The author has declared that there are no competing inter-
intronic mutations, and the roles of other regulatory genes
on the affected pathway and epigenetic factors, will lead
The content of this article was delivered as a plenary
the field forward in terms of increased insight into disease
talk by author at the 14th International Child Neurology
pathophysiology for the development of targeted precision
Congress (ICNC) held in Amsterdam May 1-5,2106.
medicine treatment strategies and effective preventative
measures. Enhanced diagnostics will be possible through
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of
metabolomic profiles, immunophenotyping, advanced neu-
the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits un-
roimaging techniques (1H-MRS, 31P-MRS, BOLD-MRI, ul-
restricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
trasound), algorithmic approaches and WES and WGS. Un-
provided the original work is properly credited. The Cre-
derstanding of disease pathophysiology will be enhanced
ative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver applies to
through the development of in vitro and in vivo models,
the data made available in this article,unless otherwise stated.
including genetic manipulation through CRISPR/Cas9 tech-
nology in animal and cell models. Treatments may be mul-
Cite this article as:
tifaceted, including, as appropriate, pharmacotherapy, im-
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